Gardener Working in a Garden

How to Make Your Garden and Patio More Attractive

Whether you are building a new home or simply looking to improve your current outdoor space, there are many ways to make your outdoor living area more attractive. Here are a few of the most popular ways to add beauty and value to your outdoor space. While you may want to consider buying new furniture for your patio and garden, you should also consider purchasing antiques for your space. Antiques can enhance any room, and can make your outdoor living area look even better.

The annual trip to the greenhouse signals the approach of summer. In NEPA, the weather is finally warm enough for hanging baskets and homegrown vegetables. In NEPA, late frosts have passed and sunshine is making the perfect time to plant. For many homeowners, this is the perfect time for springtime garden and patio projects. Listed below are some of the top ways to start planning your outdoor living space. Enjoy! And don’t forget to take advantage of the early bird sales.

Adding color to your patio is easy when you choose plants that are easy to maintain. Plants in containers will bring vibrancy and beauty to your patio or yard. Whether you are planning a backyard oasis or a patio retreat, plants in containers are an easy and convenient way to enjoy the outdoors without having to venture far. A container garden is portable and will provide the perfect drainage for your plants. You will still need to make sure they get the proper amount of water and sunlight exposure to ensure they are healthy and thrive.

Annuals are popular and bloom from spring until the first frost. After planting, prune plants and add an organic mulch to help conserve moisture and keep out weeds. Annuals also benefit from deadheading, which involves cutting spent stems at leaf-to-leaf contact. Celosia, zinnia, and mealycup sage are among the many types of flowers that attract butterflies. You can even add a butterfly or two to your garden.

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